Thursday, April 3, 2014

Boston Marathon less then 3 weeks

After miles for music 20K I took a few days off, as my hamstring started tight up. I did some biking and core work out inside to keep the momentum going. Recovery went well and I was back on the roads already after 2 days. Friday I did my long run, with some marathon pace segments, I did feel my ITB in the end but it was run able, nothing big....I was wrong, next morning, I had to stop after 1 mile. My ITB often flares up if I take a few days off and gets lazy with stretching, also doing the plank on a regularly basis has been great for me. I guess I have been a bit sloppy with this and boom there it is ITB......Lot of ice, Aleve and foam roall did the trick. Usually it takes 1-2 days and Im back on my feet. This time I also tried StrengthTape. Not sure if it helped but I had some extra support.
This week I have been back on schedule. Friday is going to be the big test for ITB as I have planned to the long run, again with lot of tempo involved. Next will be a bit slower as I'm going to start put an edge on the peak!

Current shoe rotation:
Skechers GoRun3
Skechers GoMeb Speed2
Skechers GoBionic2
Skechers GoRun Ride3


Feetures! Elite

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